Add new Program

To add a new program, an organization need to provide details regarding following sections.


The policy section enables organizations to publish information about their program in order to communicate the specifics about their program to hackers. It will act as your document of requirements for any security testers registered in the Bug Zero Platform. It should clearly mention if someone finds security vulnerability, how they should report, things you expect in the report.

To add new policy or edit your existing policy:

  • Go to the Policy section in Program Settings > Programs > policy.

Note: If you are unable to come up with a policy please contact Bug Zero Team ( We are more than happy to help you to come up with a proper policy for your program (organization).


Scope is a collection of assets you want hackers to hack on. When assets are listed, hackers are required to select the applicable asset for each report. Any special requirements will now be explicitly attached to the particular asset in question.

To Create and Edit your Scope

To view and edit your existing scope:

  1. Fill out the different fields. For each target, you can fill out:


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